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Начало БОИ за рисуване Акварелни бои DANIEL SMITH DANIEL SMITH Extra Fine™ Perylene Violet Watercolor 15 ml. - World`s finest artists` paints

DANIEL SMITH Extra Fine™ Perylene Violet Watercolor 15 ml. - World`s finest artists` paints

Цена: 34.90лв.
  • Код:
A deep, luscious, grape-juicy reddish-violet. The masstone is dark and intense, shifting in tints toward a rich red violet with a brownish-purple cast. Because of its relative neutrality, it’s a natural-looking choice for portrait, landscape or botanical work-imagine how good it looks with complementary greens. It also makes strong, interesting shadows. Starting with 10 parts water to 1 part paint (by weight) in the palette, our chemist paints the top half of the swatch uniformly with a round brush to show the paint’s color and characteristics. For the bottom half, he dips a ¾” flat brush into the paint well just once, then applies the color in stripes until the brush is dry, which shows the color’s tone and behavior through a wash. We use these swatches for color matching during the manufacturing process.
  • Използвани пигменти:
    PV 29
  • Серия:
  • Светлоустойчивост:
    I = Отлична (100+ години)
  • Прозрачност:
  • Staining:
    3 - Medium Staining
  • Гранулация:
    Няма гранулация

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DANIEL SMITH - Боите на най-добрите художници в света. Акварелните бои DANIEL SMITH са наситени с висококачествени пигменти. Цветовата гама се състои от повече от 260 цвята с ненадмината чистота, устойчивост на светлина и трайност. Боите се предлагат в разфасовки от 15мл. Намерете своето творческо вдъхновение с най-широката гама акварели в света – общо 266 цвята в три линии: Extra Fine, PrimaTek и Luminescent. Създадена да отговаря и надвишава най-високите индустриални стандарти, всяка партида е щателно анализирана за своите експлоатационни качества – светлоустойчивост, стойност на цвета, сила на оцветяване, яснота, жизненост, подтон, размер на частиците, плътност и вискозитет. Рисувайте всичко, което можете да си представите, с живи и постоянни цветове, които могат лесно да се смесват за още повече вариации.
  • Използвани пигменти:
    PV 29
  • Серия:
  • Светлоустойчивост:
    I = Отлична (100+ години)
  • Прозрачност:
  • Staining:
    3 - Medium Staining
  • Гранулация:
    Няма гранулация

Comparing Quinacridone colors for florals

Comparing Quinacridone colors for florals

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This bouquet of nine quinacridone watercolors in gorgeous pinks, reds and violets are beloved by watercolor artists, especially those who paint florals.

Quinacridones (we have others in the gold-sienna-orange color range) were developed for the automotive industry, which needed highly lightfast and durable colors. When the quinacridone pigments are made into artist paints, the watercolors are very transparent, non-granulating and are rated either Excellent (100+ years) or Very Good (100 years) for lightfastness.

Quinacridones finish very smoothly (perfect for glazing) and allow the brightness of the paper to show through their transparency, giving a beautiful glow. Highly re-wettable with exceptional clarity and vivid hues, these colors are a joy to paint with.

Match the flower position to each number for the colors listed below.

Pigment numbers are listed below with staining characteristics. All colors are transparent and non-granulating with excellent lightfastness (one exception):

1 – Quinacridone Coral – low staining; PR 209
2 – Quinacridone Red – medium staining; PV 19
3 – Quinacridone Pink – low staining; PV 42
4 – Quinacridone Rose – medium staining; PV 19
5 – Quinacridone Lilac – medium staining; very good lightfastness; PR 122
6 – Quinacridone Magenta – medium staining; PR 202
7 – Quinacridone Fuchsia – medium staining; PR 202
8 – Quinacridone Violet – high staining; PV 19
9 – Quinacridone Purple – medium staining; PV 55

Quinacridone Coral – A treat for the eyes of both painter and viewer, this intense color is a clear red tinged with pink and orange.

Quinacridone Red – A true, pure medium-staining red. Drop in Naples Yellow to create a peach, or paint dry brushstrokes onto apples.

Quinacridone Pink– A precise, perfect low-staining pink. Try with Indigo for deep dusty purples, or Indanthrone Blue for rich, clear purples. Mix with Quin Sienna or Burnt Orange in a diluted wash to create flesh tones or convincing sunsets.

Quinacridone Rose – A red-violet color that lends itself well to fabulous purple shades. Try with Indigo for deep dusty purples, or Indanthrone Blue for rich, clear purples. Mix with Quin Sienna or Burnt Orange in a diluted wash to create flesh tones or convincing sunsets.

Quinacridone Lilac –  A vivid pink with the slightest blue tone that’s a must-have for florals.

Quinacridone Magenta – A deep red violet that disperses evenly and moves from deep darks to clear, glowing washes.  In terms of complementary couples, it works especially well with yellow greens.

Quinacridone Fuchsia – A brilliant, slightly violet red for painters who embrace color. Never bashful, it remains strong even when mixed with water. Your light washes will be bold and few paints can compare to its uncompromising richness at full strength.

Quinacridone Violet – A deep reddish violet that disperses evenly with slight granulation and moves from deep darks to clear, glowing washes. In terms of complementary couples, it mixes best with a cleaner primary green.

Quinacridone Purple – A rich, powerful, juicy purple with a slight reddish cast. Washes are smooth and controlled, this versatile color mixes beautifully.